



  • 剧名:表错一夜情
  • 最新:已完结
  • 演员:Matthew Broderick/Jeanne Tripplehorn/Tim Guinee
  • 导演:沃伦·莱特
  • 出品:1993
  • 归属:美国
  • 归类:喜剧/爱情
  • 时长:99 分钟
  • 首映:1993-04-30
  • 语种:英语
  • 修改:2024-05-07 15:20
  • 豆瓣:0.0
  • 剧情概要:Sam (Matthew Broderick) is a reasonable person in the crazy urban world. He is considerate and elegant in Leroy Naiman's paintings and beer advertisements. This guy would rather cook on a hot stove for an hour than say 'oversized'. During the day, he is a clerk at a high-end gourmet restaurant, and these scenes make people smile, especially for those who have visited real chain stores in New York City - this image is not far from reality. Our people are surrounded by hoarded customers who hope that the imported French cheese can meet incredible precision standards. He strives to maintain superficial politeness (although you know he wants to bring the meat cleaver to ruthless customers), which is very interesting and will warm the hearts of shop staff from all over the world. Overall, Broderick's form was excellent, providing most of the relaxation for the movie. Sciorra's lovelorn dental hygienist Ellen is also very good. Her unconscious interaction with our cheese slicing hero shows some hopeful chemical reactions, and you may start to feel like you want to see these two people together. One of the main competitors of this woman's relationship, a stockbroker (played by Kevin Anderson), was mocked as a fraternity boy drinking beer, and his sensitive thoughts caused a sensation in football matches. He can be a bit comical at times, but if he creates or performs to make us like him better, rather than just making us recognize him as a completely "wrong" person compared to the sensitive man played by Broderick, this movie may be even more powerful. Think of John Candy in 'Splash', who goes to a squash game with cigarettes and beer cans; We know his lifestyle is not something our heroes should emulate, but we can't help but be captivated by this likable thug. And this character is just a sticky and unattractive person around. Although this is a light film that looks good enough in the first half, for me, this story is somewhat off track due to its incredible (Hollywood) sexuality and adultery. When Allen returns home after a night of misfortune, she naturally faces her skeptical husband (played by Michael Mantell). She quickly admitted to her reckless behavior and immediately turned the situation around, demanding to know why this guy bought a house without discussing it. Of course, this is an effective issue, and of course, many people use this adversarial strategy in arguments. It's incredible what's going to happen next: this man starts answering her questions and solving the house problem in a quiet and thoughtful way. Wow. In this world, it is difficult to find a married person who is prepared to handle anything so calmly when faced with his/her partner's completely unexpected adultery. This guy will definitely jump off the wall, otherwise he will fall into silence and tears - but you see, then we may really sympathize with this poor Snook, and we will see Sciorra's character from a bad perspective. Due to this unique audience response not suitable for romantic comedy, the story attempts to bypass it. You may start to feel, like a husband, that you have been taken away. In the ending, further dissatisfaction lies ahead. We realize that this is the place to resolve misunderstandings, and our couple will eventually see a clear path to each other. We hope to be satisfied with supporting them. But it was disrupted by another incredible character reaction, followed by a sudden conclusion that made people feel rushed and forced, too easy to get something for nothing. You may feel that this movie is deceiving you again...
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 网友收藏New York,New York浪漫爱情·约会电影90s Inspirations欧美爱情、喜剧、青春罗伯特德尼罗
Sam (Matthew Broderick) is a reasonable person in the crazy urban world. He is considerate and elegant in Leroy Naiman's paintings and beer advertisements. This guy would rather cook on a hot stove for an hour than say 'oversized'. During the day, he is a clerk at a high-end gourmet restaurant, and these scenes make people smile, especially for those who have visited real chain stores in New York City - this image is not far from reality. Our people are surrounded by hoarded customers who hope that the imported French cheese can meet incredible precision standards. He strives to maintain superficial politeness (although you know he wants to bring the meat cleaver to ruthless customers), which is very interesting and will warm the hearts of shop staff from all over the world. Overall, Broderick's form was excellent, providing most of the relaxation for the movie. Sciorra's lovelorn dental hygienist Ellen is also very good. Her unconscious interaction with our cheese slicing hero shows some hopeful chemical reactions, and you may start to feel like you want to see these two people together. One of the main competitors of this woman's relationship, a stockbroker (played by Kevin Anderson), was mocked as a fraternity boy drinking beer, and his sensitive thoughts caused a sensation in football matches. He can be a bit comical at times, but if he creates or performs to make us like him better, rather than just making us recognize him as a completely "wrong" person compared to the sensitive man played by Broderick, this movie may be even more powerful. Think of John Candy in 'Splash', who goes to a squash game with cigarettes and beer cans; We know his lifestyle is not something our heroes should emulate, but we can't help but be captivated by this likable thug. And this character is just a sticky and unattractive person around. Although this is a light film that looks good enough in the first half, for me, this story is somewhat off track due to its incredible (Hollywood) sexuality and adultery. When Allen returns home after a night of misfortune, she naturally faces her skeptical husband (played by Michael Mantell). She quickly admitted to her reckless behavior and immediately turned the situation around, demanding to know why this guy bought a house without discussing it. Of course, this is an effective issue, and of course, many people use this adversarial strategy in arguments. It's incredible what's going to happen next: this man starts answering her questions and solving the house problem in a quiet and thoughtful way. Wow. In this world, it is difficult to find a married person who is prepared to handle anything so calmly when faced with his/her partner's completely unexpected adultery. This guy will definitely jump off the wall, otherwise he will fall into silence and tears - but you see, then we may really sympathize with this poor Snook, and we will see Sciorra's character from a bad perspective. Due to this unique audience response not suitable for romantic comedy, the story attempts to bypass it. You may start to feel, like a husband, that you have been taken away. In the ending, further dissatisfaction lies ahead. We realize that this is the place to resolve misunderstandings, and our couple will eventually see a clear path to each other. We hope to be satisfied with supporting them. But it was disrupted by another incredible character reaction, followed by a sudden conclusion that made people feel rushed and forced, too easy to get something for nothing. You may feel that this movie is deceiving you again...


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  • 风起云涌
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